

"Technology is a magical world that you need years of training to be able to understand." That's a lie. With big companies charging into the triple digits to install an operating system (Spoiler: You can just click Next!) there is a huge markup on the work done versus the effort taken.

My goal is to offer services at a comparable and fair wage for the work done. That's not to say we'll wire an entire home for McDonald's wages, but you won't see $120/hour to scan for viruses on one of our invoices.



If you have s technology question, we have the answer. This can range from “How do I change my home page’ to ‘What would you recommend for my home Wi-Fi?’


Home Service Repair

Is your computer going slow? Does your Wi-Fi just plain suck? Why does your laptop keep freezing? We can find out why and make sure that changes.



Your Internet provider gives Internet to your house. Your printer manufacturer makes sure it powers on. Who helps with getting that setup in the middle? We do.


Little Bit of All that Stuff

We can do a lot of things to help out, and don't judge you for it since we all have our skills. Some common examples are:

  • Desktop computer troubles

  • Slow or disconnecting Internet

  • Home networking setup

  • Smart Home questions

  • Advice on your next technology purchase

  • Cell phone questions or troubles (software)

  • That one thing that just won't work half the time!


Book a Consultation

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